'10 Girl to her friend at AD: "Let her get her beer first -- she could totally ding you."
'11 Guy to '11 Guy at AD: "Aright, so I figured out that all you have to do around here is say bro. Like, 'Hey, bro. What's up, bro.' Just say bro a lot and people will think you are a brother here."
'11 Girl to '08 Girl at Psi U: "Umm, I think you're in the BOYS bathroom."
'11 Girl 1: What are your plans for the night?
'11 Girl 2: I dunno, I heard Chi Gam (pronounced KAI Gam) is having a party.
'11 Girl 1: Oh yeah? I think there's supposed to be a party at Chi Gam (pronounced CHAI gam) too.
'11 Girl 2: Oh, well let's go to both!
Elementary school kid walking in a big group in front of Baker: "Wait, there's a college here?"
A painter outside North Hall: "Yeah, I used to put weird stuff on my time sheet. I would write poetry and shit. Like two or three lines that rhymed ... Didn't make no sense."
Dartmouth students say stupid things. Overhear something great? Blitz "TheD."