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The Dartmouth
September 7, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth

UND's tradition is not Dartmouth's

WEB UPDATE, November 24, 5:45 p.m.

To the Editor:

Despite the recent incidents involving the Dartmouth community and the Native American students, the College did invite the University of North Dakota hockey team to a tournament in Hanover. UND hockey is one of the premier hockey programs in the nation with a proud tradition. For Director of Athletics Josie Harper to apologize to the Dartmouth community for inviting a team with the mascot of Fighting Sioux is, to this alum, quite offensive ("Apology for hockey tournament mascot," Nov. 21). The UND tradition is theirs and not Dartmouth's. The UND hockey team is the guest of Dartmouth at the holiday tourney and should be accorded every respect that a visiting team deserves.