"I wanna grind up on you. I wanna grind up on you."
- Repeated several times by guy on Mass Row.
"Yeah that's what you did. (Salutes.) That, and the butt. (Slaps own ass.)"
- Drunk guy in Novack
"That girl is so f*cking ugly. It makes me hate people."
- '08 Sig Nu
"I don't know. I was in 'The Vagina Monologues' with her, and she just rubbed me the wrong way."
- '08 girl during Rush delibs.
Girl 1: "He kind of looks like Bobby from 'Bobby's World,' but it's kind of hot ... you know?"
Girl 2: "Ew, the bald guy?"
Girl 1: "Ewww no, that's Howie Mandel! I'm talking about the cartooooon character."
"A bunch of '05 Sigma Delts were back this weekend and completely destroyed our house. There are marshmallows and glitter everywhere."
- '08 girl
"Black people create the best music, because there's so much pain. Black people, and Wilco."
- '08 Bones Gate