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The Dartmouth
September 14, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth

Inside this issue

Ahh. Ahhhhhhh.

It is rush week and, honestly, I'm rushed out. It has taken over my life. I've gotten so used to asking the same two questions that my brain has adopted them as their only mode of communication:

[To the Eleanor at Collis]

Hi, my name is Nova. What's yours?

(All the rushees have name-tags, as does Eleanor, but I like asking anyway. It adds like four seconds of conversation and avoids that awkward boob-stare).

[To the girl next to me in line for the Novack bathroom, during the pre -'10s pee rush]

Where are you from?

(Here I pretend to know exactly where said hometown is. I am a geography major after all.)

Rush consumes the mental capacities of many a sophomore girl (guys too I suppose, but they don't have to worry about their outfits for five plus nights). The majority of campus focuses their rush energies on houses along Webster or West Wheelock, but what about the houses without physical plants? I would argue that the majority of campus can't name the five multicultural houses. I'll admit I can't. Its not because of prejudice but because of lack of knowledge. This week, as its requisite rush article, The Mirror delves into Minority Frat culture in an attempt to fight this pandemic ignorance.

But don't fret -- we also have the article full of frat

stereotypes. Oh stereotypes,

where would The Mirror be without you?