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The Dartmouth
September 14, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth

The List

You have no excuse for a sad, bare dorm room. In honor of spring and all things stylish here are some simple tips for brightening up your environment:

  1. Have no mercy on magazines

Make a room more inviting by papering walls with anything that pleases the eye. Magazines have done a lot of the leg work. Just grab a few of the artsy ones at the Dartmouth Book Store (don't settle for the ones at Topside). It looks especially good if you choose a theme, either color or content and run with it.

  1. Tapestries are so 500 years ago

Since the 1500's people have been hanging fabric on their walls . You should too. You can also drape tapestries over widows, couches and tables. Hang them from your ceiling for a canopy effect or hang them vertically to divide a room and have something to look at instead of your roommate.

  1. Get Some Bloom in your Room

The gardens in Hanover are pretty. Don't touch -- instead create your own floral arrangements. Potted plants and cut flowers are available at florists in town and at the Co-op. Potted plants require some upkeep, but is it so hard to water something occasionally? If yes, get a cactus.

  1. Vinyl Style

Old records are about ten cents a piece, they look amazing when hung, and they give you instant cool points. You can find them at the West Leb Salvation Army or in bulk on e-Bay.

  1. Hang Everything

No, Really. It's amazing how anything you nail to your wall looks better then white paint. T-shirts, hats, jewelry, road maps, a collection of anything ....
