"Counting really depends on how you think about it. Like, if you believe that 2 + 2 is 5, then it is."
"Wow, dude."
- Two teenage guys, Nugget Theater Lobby, mid-afternoon
"There's a fine line between dancing and crying, and I walk that line."
- '06 male, The Red Barn
"I hate these f-ing angels. They're so gross - all hella fat and cherubic and sh*t."
- Senior Female during Art History II visit to the Hood Museum
"I'm not comfortable confirming my other-woman status on the internet."
- Girl, KDE parking lot
"You left while he was asleep? Way to hustle."
- One girl to another, Hop Grill line
"Man, and with your girlfriend it's like you're taking six classes this term."
- One guy to another, Homeplate brunch
"Who's Black in this class?"- Professor, Silsby 213, 12 hour
"Don't you mean Negro?"- Female Asian student
"I need to find someone to date this winter. It has to be an AD and I can't have hooked up with him already. Got any ideas."
- Girl to guy, Courtyard Cafe, breakfast time. Guy proceeds to list seven names, girl replies "Nope, hooked up with him," to each suggestion.