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The Dartmouth
October 6, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth

Police Blotter

Oct. 11, Lyme Road, 3:17 p.m.

Police arrested Jacqueline Carter, a 22-year-old West Lebanon resident, for allegedly being an accomplice to a theft committed in Hanover on or about Sept. 22. On that date, Police believe that 20-year-old Erica Rollins stole a credit card and medication from a private residence, and Carter assisted in an unidentified way.

Oct. 12, Lyme Road, 2:46 p.m.

Erica Rollins, who had at some point after Sept. 22 been jailed for charges in Lebanon, was arrested for the Hanover theft.

Oct. 12, West Wheelock Street, 4:12 p.m.

A caller reported to police that a man wearing a life jacket had taken off his shoes and appeared to be preparing to jump from Ledyard Bridge. The man told police arriving at the scene that he was performing a stunt for a music video that he and his sister were shooting. The officers told the man that in the future he should inform the police before performing any such stunts.

Oct. 15, Lyme Road, 8:19 a.m.

Hanover Police pulled over a 1992 blue Plymouth Voyager for having a defective brake light and then discovered that the driver was operating with a suspended license. Officers brought the 24 year-old into the station and then discovered that he was in possession of marijuana. The Windsor, Vt., resident was arrested both for operating under suspension and for possession of marijuana.

Oct. 16, Massachusetts Row, 4:44 a.m.

Safety and Security reported to Hanover Police that an intoxicated 16-year-old female was outside of Hitchcock Hall. Officers arrived to find the girl, who had falsely identified herself to Safety and Security officers as "Sarah Shaw," accompanied by an 18-year-old Dartmouth freshman male who also was also intoxicated. The girl, a resident of Bloomington, Ill., told police that she was at Dartmouth with a group of potential students touring the College. Police arrested both for unlawful possession of alcohol by consumption.

Oct. 16, East Wheelock Street, 5:06 a.m.

Police arrested another prospective student, an 18-year-old Durham, Maine, resident, after Safety and Security had picked him up after he vomited on the Green.

Oct. 16, Occom Ridge Road, 8:32 p.m.

Police received a report that a 50-year-old man from South Carolina had shown up at St. Denis Catholic Church several times and inappropriately confronted the priest. The priest told police that the man had been very intense in voicing fascist remarks in an intimidating manner. The man had allegedly said that women have no say and that they are subservient to men. Police looked into the situation and discovered that the same man had been arrested multiple times, including 1990 arrest in Ft. Lauderdale, Fla., for disturbing the peace at a religious assembly. Hanover Police served the man with a trespass letter that told him to stay away from St. Denis Church.

Oct. 17, Pine Drive and Rip Road, 7:55 a.m.

A school-bus driver complained to Hanover Police that a car had passed the bus while the bus' lights were on, its stop sign was out and children were boarding. Police caught up to the red 1995 Honda Accord and issued the driver a summons.