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The Dartmouth
March 13, 2025 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth

Make Love, Not War

To The Editor:

I must say, this whole rivalry thing seems pretty silly. We at Columbia really love you all up there, and welcome you to our neck of the woods -- or Harlem? -- anytime. Zachary Pfeiffer's recent piece (The Dartmouth, October 22) was a work fitting of, well, a Dartmouth student. And considering Dr. Seuss was once a Dartmouth student, that's no small thing.

When it comes to Columbia alumni, I figured I'd help him out. After all, as he lamented, "I felt that I should comment on one of Columbia's famous alums, so it sucked when I realized I couldn't think of one." Always willing to help another Ivy Leaguer out, here is a short list of my favorites he can choose from, including Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, Isaac Asimov, Langston Hughes, Henry "Lou" Gehrig, Lionel Trilling, Oscar Hammerstein II, Amelia Earhart, Art Garfunkel, Benjamin Cardozo, George Stephanopoulos and Ben Stein. It is true none have had the clear moral insight and societal impact of Dr. Seuss. Oh well, we cannot all be from the Big Green. For some of us, the Big Apple will have to do.

Oh, and in case it is true that "cow manure [is] an improvement on Harlem's usual aromas," just be warned: thanks to the gulf-stream, Dartmouth is right downwind.