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The Dartmouth
March 15, 2025 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth

Five Years After the SLI . . .

What a difference a year can make. The dialogue between students and administrators over the past academic year has helped to improve communication, clarify and correct misunderstandings, make adjustments to procedures for managing social events and build trust. As in so much of life, a spirit of openness and a commitment to thoughtful, honest discussion led to positive results.

I hope that the working relationships we have established and the time we have spent talking about issues of mutual interest and concern, such as fostering a more positive relationship between Greek organizations and the faculty, will contribute to stronger Greek organizations that are more fully integrated into the life of the campus community in the future. From my perspective, the prospects are very good. I'm especially pleased with the clarity of vision expressed by Greek leaders about the importance of the College's academic mission and with the effective working relationships Greek leaders have established with staff in the Office of Residential Life.

As the academic year comes to a close, I'd like to thank the leadership of the Greek Leadership Council, the Inter-Fraternity Council, the Panhellenic Council, the Coed Council, the National Association of Latina/o Fraternal Organizations and the National Pan-Hellenic Council for the constructive and open manner with which they approached the task of developing proposals to return rush to Fall term.

I'd also like to thank the many administrative colleagues who have worked to improve relations with Greek organizations over the past few terms, in particular Martin Redman, Deb Carney and Cassie Barnhardt in Residential Life, Harry Kinne in Safety and Security, Joe Cassidy in Student Life and Marcia Kelly in Judicial Affairs. Your efforts have been helpful and important.

Over the past four years, Dartmouth's Greek organizations have made many positive changes through a recommitment to the founding ideals of scholarship, accountability, inclusivity, brotherhood and sisterhood, leadership, and service. My colleagues and I are proud to support the efforts of students to ensure a bright future for Greek life at Dartmouth.