To the Editor:
One of the things I enjoy the most about working with Dartmouth students is that so many contribute their time and energy to make the campus experience a positive one. Therefore, it is especially disheartening when a few students act in ways that are disrespectful and sometimes, I believe, even unethical. Over the past few weeks, I have been saddened by the actions and comments that some students have directed at their peers as part of the annual Student Assembly election process. While I think many students honored Dartmouth's Principle of Community in their actions during the elections by being "respectful of the rights and interests of others," there were some who chose to participate in spreading threats and rumors.
Why am I saddened by what I have seen and heard? Because I believe that such actions could have the effect of undermining the volunteer efforts of the Elections Planning and Advisory Committee and Palaeopitus to ensure that students are well-served by a fair election process. I am also disheartened because I believe that involvement in campus governance should elevate the terms of political engagement, not mirror the most negative aspects of political life that have caused so many to turn away from direct involvement in maintaining our nation's democratic traditions.
I believe that student government can be an effective and positive force at Dartmouth. I also believe that aspects of the recent process do not reflect well on us as a community. As a community, we should hold ourselves to a higher standard of conduct than that evidenced in the recent election process. After all, if we cannot hold ourselves to higher expectations at Dartmouth, then what are the prospects for improvements in the condition of local, regional and national politics?