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The Dartmouth
March 8, 2025 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth


Two professors are confirmed dead, and police are investigating the possible double murder late this afternoon at 115 Trescott Road in Etna, just miles from the campus, according to Dean of the Faculty Ed Berger.

Professors Suzanne and Half Zantop died sometime Saturday evening, but the police told The Dartmouth that they could not comment until after the state Attorney General Philip McLaughlin issued a press release. The Attorney General was scheduled to speak Saturday at approximately midnight.

The Associated Press is reporting that the bodies were found at 6:30pm Saturday night by police and guests of the Zantops.

However, the state police told neighbors that there was "nothing to worry about," according to a local resident who spoke with The Dartmouth.

Berger said that police were investigating and he could not confirm any more details of the professors' death.

"I've already been talking to a number of folks from counseling services to set up critical incident debriefing for students and faculty," Berger said.

Suzanne Zantop is chair of the department of German studies, and Half Zantop is a professor of earth sciences.

Professor Bruce Duncan, a german professor, said he knew Suzanne Zantop well and said her death is "just a total shock." He said that he did not know of any marital or domestic problems.

Page Chamberlain, a earth sciences professor, told The Dartmouth that he was waiting for a call from the chair of the department but declined to comment further.

Berger said he is meeting tomorrow with Dean of College James Larimore and College President James Wright.

The Dartmouth will continuously update this report as information becomes available.