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The Dartmouth
January 9, 2025 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth

Psi U Appeal Denied

To the Editor:

Due to recent editorials in The Dartmouth and comments made by the President of Psi Upsilon Fraternity, the CFS Judiciary Committee feels obligated to clarify any misconceptions regarding Psi Upsilon's conduct during the event known as the "Keg Jump" on the afternoon of February 12. Despite our best efforts of explanation, it seems clear that Psi Upsilon and its leadership do not understand the reasons for the sanctions imposed on them by the Coed Fraternity and Sorority Judiciary Committee. In the sincere hope of helping Psi Upsilon to conduct themselves properly during future events, with the deepest desire to see the Charity Keg Jump return next year, and for the sake of informing the Dartmouth community, we will hereby explain in detail what led us to our decision.

The Judiciary Committee found no problems with the Keg Jump event itself. During the course of the Keg Jump event, there were numerous other examples of gross negligence, improper conduct, deplorable coordination, and a serious lack of organization and leadership all of which contributed to a severely hazardous atmosphere. Furthermore, Psi Upsilon violated several agreements with the College to which it had previously agreed. The event itself was poorly managed by the members of Psi Upsilon for the following specific reasons:

1.) There had been communication between Psi Upsilon and the College regarding the organization and approval of the event. Due to errors in communication, the JC acknowledges that, previous to the day of the event, the membership of Psi Upsilon did not understand that alcohol was restricted to indoor consumption only. However, the morning of the Keg Jump, two Safety and Security Officers met with the primary organizer of the event. During that conversation, the official representative of Psi Upsilon agreed to keep all alcohol indoors, and to prohibit it from the yard and the porch. As the morning progressed, compliance with this did not happen. Open containers of alcohol were widespread throughout the porch and the property. Of all the members who Safety and Security approached, only one made a sincere effort to control the party. Psi Upsilon did not in good faith live up to its agreement with the College.

2.) Students were ice-skating with glass bottles in their hands. Again, Safety and Security approached a member of Psi Upsilon who agreed to help remove the glass. Nothing was done. We cannot help but conclude that the organizers of the event were either unwilling or unable to take a few simple precautions to insure the safety of their own members and those in attendance. When a few glass bottles cannot be removed from an ice rink, there is a serious problem.

3.) As part of Psi Upsilon's agreement with the town of Hanover, they were required to set up two road blocks: one at West Wheelock Street, one at Cemetery Road. Both of these road blocks required supervision. The road block at Cemetery Road was completely neglected and not supervised by anyone. The road block at West Wheelock Street was manned by two men both of whom were carrying brown-bagged alcohol.

4.) As the event progressed and the number of attendees grew, crowd control became virtually nonexistent. The porch was crowded to dangerous numbers as people teetered on the edge over the railing, while on the rink below the crowd was so large that observers could not keep track of it.

5.)Under-age drinking was occurring. The JC has heard multiple eye-witness reports from students who will not be identified.

According to College and CFS regulations, a fraternity is responsible for all alcohol on its premise. Psi Upsilon claims that any alcohol that was present was brought by individual members. This is irrelevant. The organization created an atmosphere that easily allowed underage people to obtain alcohol. Further, they took no precautions against such behavior.

The Judiciary Committee believes that the poor organization and coordination of the keg jump event is indicative of a greater problem within Psi Upsilon. Communication between the officership and members is of the utmost importance when conducting any event where alcohol is present. It is clear to the JC that the members of Psi Upsilon were not aware of their individual roles. It is the duty of the officers of any fraternity to inform the membership of requirements; it is the duty of the members of any fraternity to fulfill those requirements. In the instance of the Keg Jump event, neither members nor officers were fulfilling their duties. There was no central authority, and it proved impossible for Psi Upsilon to accomplish even minor tasks, let alone crowd control and alcohol control.

For these reasons the Judiciary Committee reached its original verdict. Psi Upsilon's request for appeal was denied because their appeal letter was indicative of a lack of understanding of wrongdoing; furthermore, the content of their letter did nothing to waver our belief that we made a fully informed decision. We hope this letter clears up any misunderstandings held by members of the Dartmouth community. The Judiciary Committee now considers the matter closed.

CFSC Judiciary Committee

Daniel S. Granik '01, Acting Chairman

Kendra Quincy Kemp '02

Isaac Edson '01

Adam Sullivan '00