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The Dartmouth
March 17, 2025 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth

Assembly will have open first meeting

The Student Assembly plans to invite the entire Dartmouth community to its first Fall term meeting, Student Assembly president Josh Green said.

Green said the term's first meeting will be "very public."

He said Assembly members will share their ideas with the College community during this meeting and will decide which projects to pursue.

A goal for the coming year will be to increase communication to the College community through BlitzMail and through discussion groups, Green said.

In the fall, the Assembly will likely present a wrap-up space report, written by former Assembly president Frode Eilertsen '99 and Tom Leatherbee '01, to the College's trustees and will announce its new Student Life chair, a position that remains unfilled, Green said.

He said the work of the summer Assembly, chaired by Janelle Ruley '00, has given him "an amazing head start."

This summer, the Assembly organized community meetings with Montgomery Fellow Manning Marable, addressed the issue of College fines and tackled student suffrage in trustee elections, among other issues.

Additionally, the Assembly organized Summer Carnival and discussed the Visions project with administrators.

"It's going to be a busy year just like it was a busy summer," Green said.