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The Dartmouth
September 14, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth

Panhell members elect new officers

The Panhellenic Council, the self-governing body of the College's sororities, held its first meeting of the term last night and elected new officers for the summer.

The summer president and vice president were elected at the end of last term. The Panhell president is Elissa Blankstein '99, a sister at Kappa Delta Epsilon sorority and vice president is Shannon Kelley '99 of Sigma Delta sorority.

The programming chair for the summer is Cynthia Anderson '99 of Epsilon Kappa Theta sorority.

Blankstein said Panhell's goals for the summer are related to a memorandum sorority members discussed last term about the role of sororities on the campus.

"We want to encourage women to work together and support each other no matter which sorority house you're from," she said.

Panhell is planning an all-sorority meeting to discuss their role. The group is also organizing socials and dinners for sorority women as well as an all-women party and big-screen movie on the side of Blunt Alumni Center.

Blankstein said Panhell also hopes to work with the Interfraternity Council to plan events together such as a capture-the-flag game.

Kelley said the group is working on a sorority rush booklet to mail to '00 women this summer. The booklet will tell the students what they can expect at rush and also provides information on each house.

She said Panhell decided to provided more information to students and their parents before they arrive on campus in the fall, especially because rush will be held earlier.

Kappa Kappa Gamma Sorority Member Heather Brandling-Bennett '99 is treasurer. The secretary is Laura Jastrem '99 of Delta Delta Delta sorority and the new Judicial Council representative is Susan Chesley '99, a sister at Delta Gamma sorority.

Publicity chair for the summer is Noree Lieginger '99 of Tri-Delta.

The IFC held its elections for summer officers last term and held its first meeting last night. Jonah Sonnenborn '99, a brother at Alpha Delta fraternity is the president and David Hawkins '99 of Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity, is the vice president.

Programming chair for the summer is Christopher Chang '99 of Chi Gamma Epsilon fraternity.

Sonnenborn said the IFC's goals for the summer include becoming a more legitimate body in regards to policy and programming.

"In the past, the IFC has sat by the way-side in comparison to the [Coed Fraternity Sorority Council]," he said.

He said the group has planned an Olympics day, paintball tournament and trip to Montreal or Fenway Park in Boston as well as smaller events like golf competitions.

The IFC also plans to research College rules, such as the alcohol policies, and become involved in freshmen orientation by providing an overview of the Greek system at Community at Dartmouth Night.

The IFC sent its information booklet about fraternity rush to freshmen last term.

Adam Mirick '99, a brother at Sigma Nu fraternity, is the IFC secretary. The summer Judicial Council alternate is Douglas Lee '99 of Chi Heorot fraternity.

Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity Brother Daniel Epstein '99 is the rush chair. Matt Traupman '99, also a Sig Ep brother, is the IFC treasurer.