To the Editor:
As usual, Dartmouth Dining Services is struggling, and instead of considering improving the quality of their food and service, they are going to resort to forcing us to eat in their overpriced dining halls. Of course, if DDS were a private business, shame would keep them from admitting that the only way they can draw customers is by requiring students to patronize their establishments.
Director of Dining Services Pete Napolitano, at his haughty and patronizing best, claims that there are only two options: cutting services or raising prices. Why not consider making the various dining halls more attractive to students? Of course, Napolitano is the man that brought us Burlap's Coffee to replace the extremely popular sandwich bar in Collis. Oh, and renaming Full Fare, The West Side Buffet has made the all-you-can-eat fare that much more delectable. The chutzpah of this man to state that $800 is the "bare minimum," while refusing to allow his books to be inspected, is outrageous. But once again, I forget that this is the same man that had staffers embezzling thousands of dollars over the course of a few years and knew nothing about it. If DDS is losing $400,000 a year, maybe it's Napolitano's fault, not the students.'