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The Dartmouth
September 7, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth

Campus heads explore space and community

About 20 students attended an informal panel discussion titled "Issues of Space on Campus" following the coeducation panel yesterday evening in the basement of Mid Fayerweather.

Representatives from Amarna undergraduate society, Bones Gate fraternity, Milan, the Panhellenic Council, Phi Tau coed fraternity and the Student Assembly discussed issues of space on campus as well as issues concerning the Greek system and student voice on campus.

Danielle Benware '97, an Amarna member, began the discussion by asking what issues concern students about space on campus.

Panhell President Jess Russo '97 said, "The number of students hasn't increased, why does [space] seem to be such an issue now?"

"There are a million different groups sprouting up all over the place" that are wanting space on campus, Russo said.

She said La Alianza Latina and the College's new sorority are applying for space in addition to among other groups.

Assembly Vice President of Student Life Meredith Epstein '97 said she thinks one important space issue on campus is that "a lot of social events happen at fraternities" where women might not feel comfortable.

"Is there the right amount of social space where everyone can feel comfortable?" Epstein asked.

Russo said the Women's Resource Center often shares its space with other groups.

"It is good they share their space," Russo said. "But it is too bad they don't have a space all their own."

Sarah Callies '99 said a sense of ownership comes when a group has a house or space.

She said it seems as if these houses are not a part of Dartmouth, and "there are places I don't feel comfortable."

Other students said they wished there was more space open to everyone.

Danika Vittitoe '97 said something that has always bothered her about Dartmouth is the fact that there is space for people affiliated with certain groups, but "where is Dartmouth space?"

She said she thinks a student union area would be an important addition to Dartmouth, and the Collis Center does not fill this role because people are always studying there.

Jaime Bedrin '98, a member of Amarna, said she thinks there needs to be more "generic social space" on the Dartmouth campus.