To the Editor:
I am writing as someone who has been a part of the Dartmouth community for 24 years and who believes that we can be the community we say we are; that is, a community in which each member is valued and respected. Recently we have witnessed what is becoming an all too familiar pattern ... a prejudicial act occurs, members of our community (most recently, Asian students) feel marginalized, devalued and angry and, for the moment, the campus mobilizes in support of the latest targeted students.
Since the fall we have experienced three well publicized instances of bigotry. In addition, students come to my office on a regular basis and relate their personal experiences of prejudicial treatment and intolerance. Most of these stories never make The Dartmouth, yet still cause tremendous impact and pain.
I commend students who have used this latest incident as an opportunity to speak out and show support for their peers, and to form coalitions with other members of our community to address this situation. It is clear that our work in fostering understanding and respect is not done and it is time that we recognize how such behavior hurts us all ...not just the targeted individuals but our entire community. We all lose when our peers and colleagues feel so threatened that they are unable to work and contribute to our community. It is up to each one of us to renounce this intolerant behavior that undermines our community and to reaffirm our commitment to being a community in which each member is valued.