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The Dartmouth
September 18, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth

Moore Should Rethink Decision

To the Editor:

What in the world is going on in the Student Assembly? People are pointing fingers at each other, the president resigns, it is an absolute disaster.

Moore's resignation has destroyed the SA's credibility to a point where I think that it can not recover. People expected a new Assembly where tangible results would emerge without all the bickering and nonsense that has plagued us in the past.

Think back to this past spring when elections were held. Each person running pledged that no matter who was elected to what position, we would work to reduce infighting and useless bickering. What happened? Students coerced students that didn't agree with them.

Danielle, please reconsider your decision. You were elected by a lot of people who believe in you. Please don't disappoint them.

The Assembly presidency can be an important part of Dartmouth. You can give the Assembly strong leadership and the direction it needs, but you can not get that by treating the Assembly members as if they were your UGA group.

John Honovich has worked hard for the student body, and should not be blamed for standing up for what he believes in. The Dartmouth should give him a fair chance to respond to all the rumors that are being circulated about him.

Now I ask all those on the Assembly to take a long look at yourselves.

If you're using the SA to further your own goals, as stepping stone for future elections, as something to put on your resume, or as practice for politics outside Dartmouth, then get out. You don't belong there.

The Student Assembly is supposed to make students' lives a little easier. You're supposed to be there if you genuinely want to help your fellow Dartmouth students. It's not, "what am I going to get out of it?" It's supposed to be, "How can I help other people?"

You were elected for a reason. Some people thought you would do a good job in helping them out. Somewhere along the way that focus has been lost.

People already think the Assembly is an inept body of fools. Put in short, students don't care what the Assembly does. Credibility is shot, and you all need to get your act together.

If you don't, dissolve. No one will notice.

If you do get your act together, then maybe you will get the respect that you deserve.