To the Editor:
In light of recent news of possible administrative additions, I suddenly feel that I am not adequately represented in the administration of this institution. Being a blond, blue-eyed male coming from the Southern U.S. to New Hampshire is a huge culture shock in itself, but what compounded the shock was the feeling that many southerners that look somewhat like me feel that this administration is biased in its makeup towards northeasterners with darker hair and eyes.
Being in a minority on campus, I was somewhat intimidated by coming forward to express my discontent, especially when I felt the administration was part of that discrimination and I could become subject to some sort of college discipline if I dissented from the happy ranks.
But after reading the news of a possible new administrative position, a Dean of Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual students, in Tuesday's issue of The D, ("New dean to handle gay issues," Oct. 4) I feel sufficiently motivated to express my desire for better representation in the Dean of the College Office.
I discussed this matter with a number of my friends, also of under-represented minorities, and we agree that in light of this new position, more Deans of the College are necessary to reflect the complete spectrum of student life, no matter how small the minority.
As long as one minority of the campus is represented -- such as the section of the Dartmouth community that is gay, lesbian or bisexual -- then all of the others, including blond, blue-eyed Southerners; Jewish agnostics; and students of African-American, Kiwi, Native-American and white descent with learning disabilities should receive the same representation and consideration in the administration.
Hopefully the sarcasm above shows the point of my response to the article and the decision. Once we start establishing administrative positions solely for the purpose of representing one small section of the population, we start segregating the campus even more.
The purpose of the Dean of the College is to represent the College as a whole. When Deans are created with the specific role of representing one class, type or race of student, the rest of us not in that section of the Dartmouth community lose out.
This is not meant to knock gays and lesbians down to a completely unrepresented role, and it is not meant as a way to cause a general disturbance around campus. This is, however, meant to show the absurdity in creating a new position in the administration of an institution constantly complaining about financial constraints and race/sex relations, a position that serves only to segregate the campus by specific representation.
The deans, each and every one of them, should all represent each and every student on this campus. If not, if this new position becomes a reality, I want my Dean of Southerners.