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The Dartmouth
September 20, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth

Where do our tuition dollars go

To the Editor:

Do you ever wonder what your tuition money actually pays for? If you're anything like me, this question must cross your mind quite often, in light of annual tuition hikes and constant campus debate over what to do with the College's money. For example, I play on the Dartmouth men's volleyball team. Although we are a fully recognized NCAA Division I team with upwards of 30 freshmen trying out each year, we remain unfunded. Even after three-and-a-half years as a student here and close to $100,000 of tuition already paid to the College, I still find this hard to believe. In writing this letter I am in no way accusing the College of spending tuition dollars unwisely; in fact, I have for the most part been very happy with the education I have received here. Rather, I would simply like to see the various destinations of my tuition money broken down and analyzed.

In response to this short inquiry I would like to see the College publish some type of pie chart showing exactly how Joe/Jane Average Dartmouth Student's tuition is divided up and spent. I realize that the College would need to generalize in order to comply with my request, but just a rough idea would be nice to see. Does the majority of tuition money go toward professors' salaries, buildings and grounds, or subterranian construction under the Green? I have asked many of my friends and nobody seems to know. Hopefully, by providing the student body with this basic information, the administration could add to the ongoing discussion of the best and fairest ways to invest the College's money.