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The Dartmouth
September 20, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth

Suspicions Founded

To the Editor:

I am writing in regard to Won Joon Choe '97's outspoken column against The Dartmouth Review ("The Truth of the Matter at The Review," April 11).

Daniel Garcia Diaz '95's resignation as Editor-in-Chief is disappointing, as are the suspicious circumstances surrounding his doing so. Choe's theories about Diaz's resignation are plausible at the least, knowing the characters of the people involved, as I do, being a former Reviewer myself.

Diaz's vision of The Review does not seem to coincide with Andrew Gold '95's, despite his saying that he "pretty much agrees" with Diaz. Diaz had a view of The Review as a more intellectual publication. Gold, as he stated in his first meeting, wants to project a more "fun" (as in drinking) image.

There remains a need for an outlet for viewpoints to counteract the overly liberal and "PC" aspects of the campus, and also to voice criticism of policies of the administration that some see as destructive to the student body.

These cannot always be voiced in a publication such as The Dartmouth. It has yet to be seen whether Gold will achieve these goals without resorting to the use of sensationalist journalism, knee-jerk conservatism and ad hominem attacks.

The "jibe" he aimed at Choe in his first issue of the term was not a positive indicator that he will refrain from such unsavory tactics.