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The Dartmouth
September 20, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth

Review Should Not Be Factor In Assembly Race

To the Editor:

This letter is in response to Claire Unis' column "For the Next Assembly President," (April 8), and her misguided comments about certain Student Assembly presidential candidates.

In her column, Unis attempts to ridicule and even dismiss, with the notable exception of those of Danielle Moore, the ideas of all of the Assembly Presidential candidates, but she especially attacks those of Jeremy Katz.

Katz, who has served the student body as a judge on the Committee on Standards, an Assembly member, and SAE President, was one of the few Assembly presidential candidates that presented clear ideas for the benefit of the Dartmouth community, as opposed to generalities. For example, he proposed to increase security on campus by improving the lighting system in A-Lot, establishing shuttles, or more frequent ones, to and from A-Lot, and increasing the amount of allocated money towards night-walking escorts.

Unis somehow was able to determine that this was only "lip service," despite Katz's prior record of support of student safety. Besides, she argues, these propositions are not the heart of the problem. But I have to tell her that Katz's ideas are realistic. Can Moore promise me that if she gets elected, discrimination based on sex, race or sexual preference will end? I do not think so, but if she can, I would willingly vote for her.

In addition, Unis tries to discredit Katz by mentioning that he is involved with The Dartmouth Review. These kinds of comments are the ones that destroy the image of the SA because they divide the Assembly into two big factions: conservatives and liberals.

Unis praised Vice Presidential candidate Rukmini Sichitiu for stressing the importance of individual over image. It seems that she ought to do the same in regard to Katz. I only want to remind Unis that on Tuesday we are not electing a president that will propose changes in the social or governmental structure of the United States. We are voting for the ideas and proposals which the candidates have in order to positively affect the lives of each and every student at Dartmouth College, and in realistic ideas Jeremy Katz has a clear advantage.