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The Dartmouth
September 20, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth

Services of Facilities Operations and Management Vital

To the Editor:

On February 3 The Dartmouth printed an interview with me concerning the reasoning behind our name change from "B and G," Buildings and Grounds, to "F,O and M," Facilities Operations and Management ("B and G changes name"). The reporter captured our interview accurately. However, I failed to state the importance of custodial and grounds operations to Dartmouth when I discussed various employee groups.

I wish to correct that oversight by stating here, publicly, that services performed by our custodial and grounds employees are more important and more demanding than many may realize. They are responsible for the first impressions of everyone who comes to our campus, whether it is for a visit or simply to come to work or to class. They are literally our first line of response to facilities maintenance issues. They are in a position to see first, and first hand, that specific repairs must be made. They have daily contact with building occupants, visitors, students and others. The tasks that they themselves perform are more demanding and more complex than may be commonly known. Their need for training, education and technology is greater today than at any time in the past. They do indeed perform skilled work.

All of our employees - from the office staff to the trades workers to our service personnel - are dedicated to doing their best to deliver high quality services to the college community. Our name change suggests a rebirth and that is exactly what we are doing - redefining the way we go about working with you and with each other. Please bear with us as we begin to redefine our methods and objectives. And give someone a pat on the back when you see that they deserve it.


Director, Facilities Operations and Management