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The Dartmouth
September 20, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth

Riders jump into second

The Dartmouth Equestrian Team rode its way into a reserve championship Saturday against 10 schools of the northeast region.

Dartmouth finished second, just one point behind Colby Sawyer College, in its best placing of the school year.

Christine Sandvik '97, Courtney Mottinger '95 and Shannon Giles '96 all racked up blue ribbons, helping boost the team's points over rivals that included Tufts University, the University of New Hampshire and the Universitiy of Vermont.

Lanea Eschemeyer '96 and Allison Padavan '95 both won seconds. Della Bennett '96, Laura Bennett '96 and Beth Landy '97 placed third in their classes.

"I'm really psyched with the reserve championship," Coach Sally Boillotat said. "This is the smallest team we've had but we got the most points that we have all year."

Only 13 of the 21 members on the team, whose main season is Fall term, competed this weekend.

The Dartmouth team is now in fourth place in the region with two more shows left to go before the regional competition.

Several riders will compete during spring break on March 19 at Boston University. The next show the whole team will compete in is at Harvard University on April 9. The regional conference will be at Tufts on April 9.