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The Dartmouth
September 20, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth

Green Key creates forum for candidates

The Green Key Society plans to publish a special election newspaper next term to provide space to every candidate running for offices in Student Assembly, class councils, the Green Key Society, and the Committee on Standards to present their platforms.

The single-issue paper will be distributed to students' Hinman Boxes four or five days prior to the elections scheduled for April 12th, according to acting vice president of Green Key Hosea Harvey '95.

"The purpose is to increase responsible student government in order to give students the easiest possible access to responsible voting," Harvey said.

The paper will be about 12 pages and will print submissions from every candidate. It will give more space to, and will include pictures of, those running for Student Assembly and class councils, Harvey said.

Candidates for Student Assembly president and vice president will be allowed 400 to 500 words to present their platforms. Candidates for class president and vice president will be limited to 200 to 250 words.

The paper will also include brief statements by candidates for the Committee on Standards and Green Key.

The Green Key Society solicited $200 donations from the class councils in support of the newspaper's creation.

The '95 and '97 class councils agreed to donate $200 to the project and the '96 class council will give $100.

Harvey said the Society does not want to depend on advertising to fund the paper and hopes to receive any additional necessary funds from the Student Assembly.

"There will be no editorials," Harvey said.

The paper will be edited by a member of Green Key who will not be running for one of the positions featured in the paper, he added.