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The Dartmouth
September 20, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth

The True Carnival Spirit

Winter Carnival is much more than a snow statue and three day weekend. In 1909 a junior named Fred Harris came up with an idea. He wanted to have a Winter Field Day. He wrote a letter to The Dartmouth explaining his idea: "The question 'What is there to do at Dartmouth in the winter?' gives rise to the thought that we might take better advantage of the opportunities which the admirable situation of our college offers."

In this letter he suggested the Dartmouth Outing Club be formed and that one of their responsibilities would be "To hold a meet or field day during February at which a program of events similar to the following may be contested: 100 yard dash on snow-shoes, cross country run on snow-shoes, obstacle race on snow-shoes, 100 yd. dash on cross country skis.." In that February of 1910, the Field Day took place.

In 1911 an alpine ski race was added to the contests and the Winter Field Day became the Annual Dartmouth Winter Carnival. This was the first ski race in North America and it occurred on Mt. Moosilauke. In 1911, Rossignol had not come out with the 7G Kevlar Giant Slalom ski, nor did Nordica sell the Grand Prix boot. The early racers charged down Moosilauke, fearless, actually looking for places to gain speed, in leather boots and wooden skis. They were out there competing, but they were also celebrating. The celebration was that of winter.

One has only to look through old 'Aegis' yearbooks to see the significance and tradition the Dartmouth Carnival carries. Three thousand spectators did not flock to Hanover in 1956 to watch Psi Upsilon fraternity keg jumping. They came to watch the ski races, they came to celebrate winter. The history of the Dartmouth Carnival lies within school participation in outdoor competition. Only secondly is Carnival a party. It is a huge party, the biggest celebration of the year, a celebration of winter!

The Dartmouth ski team has traditionally been one of the best in the country. If they win their league they are not the best in the Ivy League, they are the best in the nation. The Dartmouth men, alpine and nordic combined, won the Eastern title last year by beating Division I schools such as the University of Vermont and the University of New Hampshire. So far this year, both the men and women ski teams have had strong results.

Come out to the Skiway or Oak Hill to ski, sled, watch the races and cheer for the Big Green. In addition, cheer for Dartmouth men's hockey, women's basketball and men's and women's track, all at home. Participate in the Dartmouth Winter Games put on by the Outing Club and the Co-ed Fraternity Sorority Council. Embrace the spirit of the Dartmouth Carnival. Rage, party, go nuts, but rage on Occom Pond, party on Oak Hill and go nuts at the skiway. Take part in this Winter Celebration.

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