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The Dartmouth
September 19, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth

Green Card Money is Better Spent Elsewhere

To the Editor:

After reading the article entitled "Green Card honored at 14 stores," (The Dartmouth, January 11, 1994) I fail to understand what is so attractive about the Hanover Green Card. It is attractive for the issuers of the card because they take no risks. They don't have to lay out any money for you since you have prepaid them. However, from the customer's point of view, why tie up a such a large amount of cash and allow someone else to earn interest on it? For Dining Services, unfortunately, we have no other choice but to do this. A Declining Balance Account is presumably required in order to force us to spend a certain amount of money in the College's cafeterias each term. Most of us spend at least the minimum DBA. Once it is depleted, most of us prefer to charge our meals and pay later, rather than replenishing our DBAs. So why would you want to keep your spending money in a DBA-type account? Instead, keep the money in your own interest bearing bank account and withdraw it when you need it. With ATMs everywhere, it has never been easier. Better yet, use a credit card and pay up to 30 days after you make your purchases. Credit cards are more widely accepted. Plus, most of them charge no annual fees, and almost all charge less than the Green Card's $40 a year. Buy more pizza and beer with the money you save.


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