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The Dartmouth
September 19, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth

Fraternities see increase in bids

Officers from most of the fraternities that hosted rush last week said the number of men who sank their bids is up from last year's winter rush.

Most men rush during the fall, but some wait a term to sink their bids and others rush in the winter for the first time.

Zeta Psi fraternity accepted the most new members this term, offering bids to nine men who all accepted, Zete President Kevin Rogers '95 said. The new pledges include two men who were offered bids last fall but did not sink until this term.

Rogers said he was surprised at the high number of bids Zete offered, compared to last winter when the house received only six new pledges.

Sigma Nu fraternity offered eight bids, Sigma Nu President Jon Belk '95 said. But he declined to comment on how many sank.

Chi Heorot fraternity gave out six bids that were accepted, Heorot President Joe Santos '95 said. Chi Gam fraternity also took six pledges this term, Chi Gam Treasurer Josh Larson '95 said.

Alpha Chi Alpha fraternity offered four bids and three were accepted, President Jeff Risher '95 said.

Giano Cromley '95, president of Psi Upsilon fraternity, said he was surprised at the number of men who rushed this term. He said Psi U gave out four bids which were all accepted.

Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity offered three bids and took two new pledges, Sig Ep Rush Chair Dan Richman '95 said.

Gamma Delta Chi fraternity received two new pledges this winter of the three bids they offered, President Todd Brackett '95 said.

Alpha Delta fraternity took two pledges this term, according to AD brother Warren Baldmanis '95.

Phi Delta Alpha and Kappa Chi Kappa fraternities each took one new pledge this winter.

Beta Theta Pi received no pledges, Beta President Casey Lipscomb '95 said.

Theta Delta Chi also took no pledges, Theta Delt President Peter Zern '95 said.

Bonesgate fraternity offered eight bids which were all accepted, according to Bonegate brother Jason Siegal '94.

Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity declined to comment.