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The Dartmouth
September 19, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth

Violations increase; In annual report, COS says honor principle actions jump

The number of academic honor principle violations jumped more than six-fold from three to 19 in the past academic year, according to an annual report released by the Committee on Standards.

Incidents of serious misconduct fell and the number of students receiving academic discipline showed little change from last year.

COS, the College's internal disciplinary committee, heard 12 cases involving 23 students with honor principle violations this year and found 19 guilty.

Last year, the committee reviewed three cases involving three students. Two years ago, COS examined eleven cases involving 12 students.

The disciplinary action taken for this year's 19 violations ranged in severity from three-term College disciplines to eight-term suspensions. Disciplines included requiring students to write essays on educating freshmen about the honor principle.

The violations included one student submitting another student's work for credit, students working together on a graded problem set and students collaborating on a take-home exam and denying involvement when questioned.

There was one case of sexual abuse in which "alcohol was involved and sexual intercourse obtained without meaningful consent," the report said. But the three-term suspension was lifted after the committee reexamined the case because of procedural errors.

The number of students accused of serious misconduct fell this year. Only 10 students were accused and eight were found guilty. Last year, 28 of the 37 students accused were found guilty.

The punishments included suspensions for a maximum of eight-terms, College Disciplines and College Reprimands.

Some of the more grave violations included setting a fire, attempting to elude police on a motorcycle while intoxicated and beating another student unconscious.

Less significant infractions included one student who rushed the field, bumped into a member of the visiting band and destroyed an instrument. Another student took what appeared to be abandoned t-shirts and tried to sell them and a third wandered around campus intoxicated hitting things with a cue stick.

There were 335 non-suspension level alcohol violations. Three people were found climbing on College buildings and structures. Fifteen people were guilty of excessive noise.

Three students had firearms violations and two were found with fireworks.

Eight people violated local, state or federal laws, the report said.

The number of students separated for poor academic performance increased from 10 to 11 since last year, but the number of students suspended for poor academic records decreased from 40 to 30. Sixty-six people were put on academic probation.

The report also discussed a few of the decisions COS made this year.

According to the report, COS clarified the appropriate action to take toward committee members who were put on academic probation.

The committee decided that members on academic probation could not be part of the committee until they attained good academic standing.

The committee also streamlined the academic actions process.

"Before, the COS would meet about every student, but now the punishment listed in the Student Handbook is now automatically approved," Undergraduate Judicial Affairs Officer Maureen Ragan said.

Students who are suspended or separated may request reconsideration and their cases will be considered individually by COS, she said.