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The Dartmouth
September 18, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth

Film shows dangers of drinking

Two student-produced films shown yesterday as part of Alcohol Awareness Week illustrated the problems of drinking at Dartmouth.

Approximately 20 students attended the screening of "Fighting Drunk" and "Speaking for Ourselves" in Russell Sage/Butterfield cluster's Hyphen lounge.

The first short movie, "Fighting Drunk," featured Dartmouth students and students from other colleges talking about their experiences with drinking, violence and sexual assault.

Todd Moyer '86 produced the documentary film, which contains footage of violence in fraternity basements and testimony from Dartmouth students who said they participated in an alleged sexual assault incident.

Moyer, who narrated the video, was beaten up in a fraternity basement by drunk students while filming the documentary. The video showed Moyer's injuries after the fight.

Nelson said Moyer was filming at Lehigh University in Pennsylvania when he was attacked.

The second film, "Speaking for Ourselves," showed Dartmouth students -- mainly women -- discussing their feelings about alcoholism and drinking-related eating disorders.

"Speaking for Ourselves," produced by Jennifer Manner '90 and Judi Cassel '90, focused completely on Dartmouth students and discussed the effects of alcohol abuse on women.

Many women in the film said they drank so they could "keep up with the guys."

Other women said a double-standard about drinking exists at Dartmouth between men and women.

"I was eating less frequently so I could drink more often," said one woman in the documentary. "I was so psyched on Friday because I knew I had all weekend to get drunk."

Gail Nelson, who works with the College's health resource team, said the event was designed to "increase alcohol awareness and let people know about the resources available to them."