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The Dartmouth
September 9, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth

No Greek suicide

By adding a night of Wednesday rush, the Interfraternity Council has saved itself from doing a regrettable disservice.

Until last night, this year's rush regulations only allowed one night of open rush, to be followed by two nights of invitation-only events. That effectively means a sophomore would only be able to rush one house.

The most important part of rush from the brothers' perspective is the shake-out, the formal closing ceremony. If a man leaves a house before shake-out, he is sending a message to the brothers that he is heading to another fraternity.

Adding a second night of open rush means '96s can shake-out at two houses, doubling the time they have to meet brothers and show an interest in the house.

Now, sophomores will be less likely to "suicide rush" ' to gamble on spending their two nights at only one house in the hope of getting a bid. The IFC hasn't eliminated suicide rush, but it has made it less necessary.