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The Dartmouth
January 30, 2025 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth

A new social experience

How many of you Dartmouth men wish that there was more to the social life here than getting drunk with buddies and going to the same old fraternities and meeting the same old 115-pound waifs with trust funds?

If you are the least bit like me, there must be quite a few of you who have just about reached your limit with these women. It pains me to think of how some of us will end up ' in ten years or so, we will be married to one of the women we met at Dartmouth, but it won't be a happy marriage.

It seems to me that a lot of the women here are only children (solitary offspring) ' and you know what that means. They are spoiled something fierce, and trying to raise a family with an only child for a wife is nothing pleasant. A lot of the women here are also spendthrifts ' just look at how many have subscriptions to L.L. Bean and J. Crew and Land's End. They order regularly, too. Any time of the day in the Hop, one can find several women carefully studying their newly arrived catalogs, credit cards ready and poised.

I think that the type of behavior that Dartmouth encourages most women to adopt is not at all conducive to marriage or a long-term relationship. How much money can one spend? How many miles can one run? How much makeup can one wear? How few salads can one eat?

Now, I am not insensitive to the challenges which women face in American society, but men don't you wish that for once you could go out dancing with a woman and really dance? I mean without her having to get loose (drunk) first? Don't you wish that for once, you could go out dining with a woman and she would order what she really wanted? Better yet, don't you wish that once she would cook for you? If you are the least bit like me, there are quite a few of you who have just about reached your limit.

Well, at this point in history there is a unique opportunity for romantic fulfillment available to the average American man. Date a black woman.

This is a new and rapidly developing trend that is sure to have a significant impact on America. Just look at the Pepe Jeans-London commercial ' the handsome guy from Beverly Hills 90210 gently woos his black lover over the home and two commercials later, they end up enjoying a cozy romantic interlude in her home.

If it happened to me, it can happen to you! Black women don't have the same hang-ups as the white women that frequent the fraternities. It is rare that you find a black feminist. Black women are also excellent homemakers. The number of black Dartmouth students with single black mothers attests to that fact. And boy, can they cook! Aunt Jemima is a reality. Another benefit is money. You will surely find that black women do not hassle over money the same way that other potential mates would. Black women have had to sustain their entire race on a shoestring budget. Why would they need your credit card?

Most black women that I have met here have expressed sincere grief over the lack of adequate black men on campus. In fact, several have expressed interest in expanding their dating horizons to include the average Dartmouth man. You all have achieved a level of gentleness, politeness and sincerity that most black men are simply unable to maintain. I think it is time you capitalized on your unsung qualities that other women simply don't value.

Naturally, there may be a few cultural differences, but these are to be expected when dating cross-culturally. Don't let something as simple as music, religion or politics stop you from enjoying a fulfilling romantic relationship with the black woman of your choice. There are plenty of things that you and your potential mate could do ' there are movies directed at white men dating black women, there are support groups on campus that talk about the challenges which interracial couples face and it is socially acceptable open-minded behavior.

Dartmouth men, now is the time for courage. There is no reason to settle for less ' go for the best! Expand your horizons and make your lives extraordinary! Carpe diem.