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The Dartmouth
September 9, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth

'97s select courses by computer, quickening process

Freshmen did not have to leave their rooms to select classes this term. Instead, they used a new computer process to choose courses from their dorm rooms.

The Registrar's Office provided the new system to make the course selection process more efficient during a Freshman Week that was two days shorter than usual because of the Jewish new year.

Administrators said offering the new technology to the whole student body would create complications and keep the old course selection system in place for now. Students currently sign up for courses using cards mailed to their Hinman Boxes.

"If this works well, we expect to be under a lot of pressure to let upperclassmen sign up by computer," Associate Registrar Nancy Broadhead said.

But she said the computer-based system would not be able to accommodate off-campus students who do not have a connection to the Dartmouth network, such as students on off-terms who do not have modems.

"We didn't have time in Orientation Week to run the normal two half-day arena-style registration sessions, so we tried the computer system," Broadhead said.

So far, the computer program has worked well, according to Broadhead and Assistant Dean of Freshmen Tony Tillman. Neither had received calls from freshmen who were having trouble using the system.

"I found the system very easy to use," Alex Fuld '97 said. "I would use it to register for winter classes."

Broadhead said freshman had until midnight last night to sign up for their classes by connecting to the Darterminal program.

As of 2 p.m. yesterday only 385 of the 1,088 freshman had signed up for their classes. Broadhead said she expected most freshmen to sign up last night after meeting with their academic advisers yesterday afternoon.