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The Dartmouth
March 13, 2025 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth

Tillman in charge of freshmen, for now

Assistant Dean of Freshmen Tony Tillman has worked overtime to introduce students in the Class of 1997 to their first year at Dartmouth and to get the College ready for their arrival.

The '97s will meet a new Dean of Freshmen when they arrive on campus, but they are already familiar with Tillman, who has served as acting dean since Diana Beaudoin left in June.

"I think I know them intimately already," Tillman said.

Tillman helped prepare for the incoming class last summer, his first summer at Dartmouth. This summer the primary responsibility is his alone.

"Coordinating the entire effort is very different," he said. "It's non-stop."

In addition to daily administrative tasks concerning orientation, registration and communication by letter and phone with the incoming freshmen, Tillman has had to review policies set by his office.

An unusually severe housing shortage on campus this fall means his office must review protocol for roommate conflicts among freshmen. "Our flexibility to accomodate room switches is drastically reduced," he said.

He said the office will continue a policy of $100 fines and three terms of probation for freshmen who rush the football field during half-time.

Tillman said he is also making sure the new students are aware of the policy that prevents freshmen from socializing in Greek houses during Fall term. He said many freshmen who violated the rule in past years said they were not made aware of the policy.

Tillman will work with the Student Assembly on a presentation for freshmen on the issue of sexual assault. Previously, sexual assault was included in the skits presented on Social Issues night during Freshman Orientation Week. This year a separate hour has been set aside for the issue of sexual assault.

"I'm confident that the students working on this project will put forth a good program," Tillman said, "and that they will address the issues in a way that makes [new students] understand it is important to take responsibility for their relations with each other."

"Some students come from totally homogenous environments. At Dartmouth we have students from all over the world, from many different backgrounds," he said. "We're not trying to teach them. We're trying to provide them a window of experience, to make them aware that these issues are prevalent.

Tillman has met once with the new Dean of Freshmen, Peter Goldsmith of Princeton University, and said he looks forward to working with Goldsmith. "I'm excited by the prospect. He is highly acclaimed," Tillman said.

"We immediately had good chemistry together. He has a calm demeanor; very introspective and knowlegable. I felt that this was a guy I could talk to."

Tillman came to Dartmouth in September 1991 after four years as Associate Dean of Student Life at Drew University.

Tillman also directs the Intensive Academic Support Program, which uses tutors to assist freshmen who encounter difficulty developing college-level skills in writing, calculus and other areas.

Dean of Students Lee Pelton said Tillman's skills as a counselor are well-known to the community. "It's clear that many, many students have found him to be a valuable resource," Pelton said.