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March 26, 2025 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth

Dartmouth Olympians throughout the years

Edward G. Williams ’64

Williams wrote an article for the Dartmouth Alumni Magazine called “The Silver Fox,” which describes how he was initiated into the cross-country team by its then-coach, Al Merrill.

He recalls being surrounded by very talented and well-known skiers, while he was a bright eyed, bushy tailed student who showed up at the first meeting at Robinson Hall and “faithfully participated in all the fall training sessions.” He did well in these sessions, until the Hanover snow came. Initially, he thought that he was off the team, but later Merrill asked him if he had ever considered cross country skiing. This won him the recognition as a bona fide Dartmouth skier, which eventually lead him to the Olympics.

By sophomore year he was skiing on the Winter Carnival Varsity team. He also competed in the Winter Biathlon in 1986, an event which includes skiing and shooting.

Cameron A. Myler ’92

Myler was a renowned luger. According to a New York Times article from 1994, her older brother Tim introduced her to the sport. The Times also referred to her as the “United States’ top female luger” at that time. Myler competed in the winter Olympics of ’88, ’92, ’94 and ’98. In the 1994 Winter Olympics, she carried the American flag at the opening ceremony. Myler is the first American woman to win a World Cup event in luging outside of the United States, and she won the U.S. National championships nine times. She was also voted Female Athlete of the Year nine times.

At Dartmouth, she majored in Geography and was a member of Alpha Theta. She graduated in 1995. She retired from the Olympics in 1998 and attended Boston College Law School.

Myler is also a photographer and has had work displayed with the Art of the Olympians. She is currently a professor at New York University, where she teaches a wide range of courses, ranging from legal issues in sports to international sports governance. She serves as an athlete ambassador for Kids Play International, an organization that uses sports to educate and empower underserved youth in several countries.

Chiharu Igaya ’57

Igaya won a silver medal in Alpine skiing for Japan. He is the first notable Alpine racer from Asia, and the first person from Japan to win a medal in Alpine skiing. He competed at the Winter Olympics of 1952, 1956 and 1960.

He came to Dartmouth after studying English for six months. During his interview with then-President James Dickey, Igaya only responded to questions with “yes” and “no,” as he lacked confidence in his mastery of English. Supposedly, it wasn’t until the next day that President Dickey learned about Igaya’s talent for skiing.

Igaya was the first Japanese student to attend Dartmouth after World War II. Although he entered Dartmouth relatively anonymous, he left as a well-known skier. After receiving a silver medal at the Olympics, he arrived back in Japan as a celebrity. During his time at Dartmouth, he studied geology and later attended Harvard Business School.

After graduating from Dartmouth, he worked in insurance. After retiring in 2008, he founded his own information technology and consulting firms. From 1982 to 2012 he was a member of the International Olympic Committee. He became vice president in 2005 and an honorary member in 2012. He also led the campaign for Tokyo as an upcoming Games site.

Crawford Palmer ’93

Palmer is one of two Ivy League basketball players to win an Olympic medal for basketball. He won a silver medal at the 2000 Summer Olympics for the French team. He was born in the United States but was allowed to play for the French national team after obtaining French citizenship. Palmer helped lead the French to a respectable loss to an American “Dream Team.” He was named a McDonald’s All-American in 1988. He attended Duke University before transferring to Dartmouth in his junior year, where he majored in History. After retiring from the Olympics he attended business school, where he studied sports management. Currently, he is working as an English, history, geography and physical educational teacher in France.

Cherie L. Piper ’06

Piper won three Olympic gold medals with the Canadian National Ice Hockey team and one world championship title in 2004. She competed in Canada’s Under-22 team from 1999 to 2001.

She played four seasons at Dartmouth, where she majored in sociology and English and graduated in 2007. As a Big Green player, Piper scored 60 goals and 165 assists in 99 games. She injured her knee while at Dartmouth, which resulted in her taking leave from the Canadian team for over a year, and as a result she missed the 2007 World Championship. She was off the team in 2009 but regained a spot for the 2010 Olympic team, where she won her third consecutive gold medal.

John Carleton ’22

Carleton was born in Hanover. He attended Phillips Andover Academy before attending Dartmouth. He was an avid skier and an American pioneer who helped advance Alpine skiing. He participated in ski jumping and Nordic skiing events.

He competed in the first Winter Olympics games ever, held in 1924. While at Dartmouth he was captain of the ski team. Later he became a Rhodes Scholar, and, while at Oxford University, captained the ski team again. He was a lawyer and also served in both World Wars.

Along with a friend in 1931, he was the first to climb and ski the Tuckerman headwall and later competed in the Eastern Amateur Ski Association’s first downhill race on Mount Moosilauke. Along with the Civilian Conservation Corps, he helped develop 15 ski trails in New Hampshire.